A sample of the poetry which students have written in memory of their friends, Bob and Jen
(posted on Jen’s locker)

When boys meant "yuck"
And friends were new
Dreams were unshattered
And worries were few

When recess was too short
And life forever long
Decisions came so easy
Without the "needing to belong"

When the stork delivered babies
And passions weren’t so strong
Friendships were unbroken
And life continued on

When bad things didn’t happen
And only skinned knees brought tears
When the night light in the socket
Quieted all our fears

When good-bye meant just for summer
And real friends didn’t part
The fun went on forever
And there never was a broken heart

a poem posted on Bob’s locker

What am I supposed to do,
Besides sit here and cry?,
Tell me, my friend,
Why’d you have to go and die?,

You left us with this whole,
unanswered thing,
I just wish I could hear your voice once more,
Maybe hear you sing,

Every where I turn,
I see memories of you,
Every time I close my eyes,
I see your smile,
Everything I do makes my heart cry out for you,

These days go by in such a blur,
I wish there was a way to remove all this hurt,
So many memories of you,
So many things we’ll never get to do,

My God, I miss you so much,
Every thing about you,
Your humor, your smile, your touch,

Some who didn’t know you really well
Say they know how we feel,
Why can’t they understand,
We need some time to heal?,

You’ve captured a special place in my heart
Where you will stay,
You were and always will be my friend,
Till death comes, once again, to take me away,

I’ll always love you, BoB!
You’ll always be a part of me!

a poem posted on Jen’s locker

I can’t believe it
This can’t be true
you’ve been taken from us
too early for your time
you shouldn’t have been there.
this wasn’t supposed to happen to you.
you died so young
this fate wasn’t meant for you.
we know we can’t change this,
but we wish we could.
we love you, Jen, and we’ll always miss you.

love, all your friends

Click here to read a poem which Bob Aniello wrote seven weeks before he committed suicide.

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